in order:
1. icon from Athens Museum, Sieregals icon, fresco by Theophanis the Cretan,
2. byzanz fresco from Egypt, icon from the eikonografos.com, Sv Gorgije,
3. Sveti Georgy mediaval russian icon, icon by Pachomaioi, orosz ikon,
4. VX. sz-i orosz ikon, Siregelas ikon, fresco from Staraja Lodoga
ezek pedig a szöveges "részletek" :)
Magyar Néprajzi Lexikon
Szent György
itt minden, ami a Szenttel valahogy kapcsolatos
ezt még a Wikipédiáról idemásolom, merthogy nem lehet kihagyni...:)
Orthodox Bulgarian icon of St. George fighting the dragon.
Alciato's Book of Emblems
The Memorial Web Edition in Latin and English
Andrea Alciato's Emblematum liber or Book of Emblems had enormous
influence and popularity in the 16th and 17th centuries. It is a
collection of 212 Latin emblem poems, each consisting of a motto (a
proverb or other short enigmatic expression), a picture, and an
epigrammatic text. Alciato's book was first published in 1531, and was
expanded in various editions during the author's lifetime. It began a
craze for emblem poetry that lasted for several centuries. We use the
Latin text and images from an important edition of 1621 and we give a
translation into English.